Project Leader
Social WorkerNulla totam rem metus nunc hendrerit ex voluptatum deleniti laboris, assumenda suspendisse, maecenas malesuada morbi a voluptate massa! Hendrerit, egestas.
Playful Reconnections: Parenting Inside, was co-developed with Bedford Row Family Project and Patch Work Play. The family course was specifically designed for a family member serving a sentence in Limerick Prison. The course is delivered by a Social Worker and Child Play therapist over a six-week period using the Filial Play therapy model; which was adapted to suit the prison environment. Filial Play therapy is a family systems therapeutic intervention which focuses on the development of the child – carer relationship using non-directive play skills.
Currently in its third year the course has been developed and adapted over the three years upon the advice and feedback from previous participants.
It is a psycho-therapeutic and psycho-educational programme. One of the main focuses of the course, is that of reducing the potential adverse effects children may experience by having a family member serving a prison sentence and reduce intergenerational imprisonment. The course also focuses on the individuals own childhood traumas and how this can impact their relationship with their child or children in their family.